Task 1- Create patient appointment schedule

A user looks through the worklist and goes to the appointment scheduling page to research a spot for the patient. This is action is completed based on priority.

Summary: A user should be able to go through the worklist containing all the orders placed from affiliated departments and hospitals. The user looks through the list to schedule based on priority.

Users: Must be Technologist (Lead or Junior).

Who cannot create an appointment: Technologists, Referring doctors, PACS administrators. Anyone who is not a Technologist.


  1. The user is logged in already.
  2. View a worklist of all the affiliated hospitals
  3. Click to view the list.
  4. Sort by date or priority to view more urgently required patients
  5. Click the patient of interest to view the patient information and procedure required.
  6. Click the Appointment Schedule icon on the movable icon board to view the calendar.
  7. Click an unlocked timeline (Deeper colored) of preference to schedule the appointment. This is also an available room at a particular time.

The user is directed to a page where the patient can be searched through name or Hospital Number.

  1. Using the search criteria of preference, locate the patient in the worklist and click “Schedule patient” button to add patient additional information. User is routed to the Order Entry page. Additional information about the imaging technique and other important information would be added by the user in “Notes” section on the Order Entry page. These pieces of information may include patient’s allergy and medication information, patient contact number, emergency phone number and person of contact, insurance id number and the CPT code.
  2. Click “Confirm Appointment” button to add the patient to the timeframe on the calendar. The patient information gets added to the timeframe in the calendar and it can be viewed by all authorized users, Technologists,administrative staff, Referring Physicians, Nurse practitioners and Radiologist. At that instance, the patients is notified through email text message. And further confirmation is conducted by the Admin staff.


  • Verify that the Appointment scheduling is integrated to the worklist

  • Verify that the user can drag a patient from the worklist to the calendar and the

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