Task 1- Update Scheduled appointment

In some cases, patients miss their appointment, or call ahead to cancel their appointment. It is the duty of the Technologist to reschedule them and also substitute the patient’s prescheduled spot with another patient based on priority. This task is reserve for the lead technologist.

A patient can either call in to cancel or cancel through a link of confirmation sent to them in an email. When they call in, the Admin Staff changes their status to canceled and input the available time as specified by the user.

Summary: A user (Lead Technologist) should be able to go through the worklist and sort the list based on status. To reschedule, the user sort for Canceled appointments and goes to the calendar to reschedule for the next available spot.

Users: Must be Lead Technologist.

Who cannot create an appointment: Technologists, Referring doctors, PACS administrators. Anyone who is not a Technologist.


The user is logged in already.

  1. Click on the patient’s prescheduled appointment on the calendar. The user is rerouted to an order entry page with added sections for the user to change the time, room and the day of the rescheduled appointment.
  2. Set the day and the available time frame for the next appointment (See-Task-1 for additional steps)
  3. Click “Confirm Rescheduled Appointment” button to add the patient to the timeframe on the calendar. The patient information gets added to the timeframe in the calendar and it can be viewed by all authorized users, Technologists, Referring Physicians, Nurse practitioners and Radiologist. Another confirmation is sent to the patient.


  • Verify that only the Lead Technologist can reschedule appointment

  • Verify only available time frame will appear in the order entry page when the user want to specify future timeframe for the rescheduled appointment

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